Polaris Formazione

“Montessori and Malaguzzi Educational Methodologies: from Italy a revolutionary method for childhood and youth”



The Montessori Method of education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and then by the pedagogist Lori Malaguzzi, is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. Dr. Montessori’s Method has been time tested, with over 100 years of success in diverse cultures throughout the world.

It is a view of the child as one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. It is an approach that values the human spirit and the development of the whole child—physical, social, emotional, cognitive

This training course aims to develop professional competences for future teachers of children from 1 to 6 years about Montessori Method. Participants will learn more about Montessori, approaches to provide a Montessori inspired learning environment and how to use her methods and techniques.

Learning objectives

  • To understand philosofic and pedagogical principles of Dr Maria Montessori
  • To know the principles of the “Absorbent Mind”
  • To know the Montessori concept of the “freedom of choice”
  • To know the planes of development
  • To know the sensitive period

Activities Programme

1st day

Welcome meeting: presentation of Polaris staff & experts; briefing of the activities

To understand philosofic and pedagogical principles of Dr Maria Montessori

  • Organization of the learning environment
  • Importance of the order, internal and external
  • The role of the teacher, “guardian of the environment”
  • Visit in a Montessori kindergarten “La casa dei bambini”: observation of teachers, pupils, teaching material and environment
  • The Montessori’s prepared environment

2nd day

To know the principles of the “Absorbent Mind”

  • New neuroscience research on the evolution of the brain and mind absorbent of the child and the pupil today
  • Methodologies to develop attention and concentration
  • Visit in a Montessori kindergarten “La casa dei bambini”: observation of teachers, pupils and teaching material

3rd day

To know the Montessori concept of the “freedom of choice”

  • The concept of freedom from the point of view of Maria Montessori
  • Independence, autonomy and freedom: the development of auto discipline as an inner development
  • Cases studies
  • Simulations & Video

4th day

To know the planes of development

  • Care Montessori “meet” our modern society
  • Observation technique
  • Rhythm in different children
  • The role of mixed classes
  • Visit in a Montessori primary school: observation of teachers, pupils, teaching material and environment

5th day

To know the sensitive period

  • Observation technique
  • Rhythm in different children
  • The role of mixed classes
  • Visit in a Montessori primary school: observation of teachers, pupils and teaching material
  • The Montessori’s prepared environment

6th day

  • Case studies & simulations
  • Resume of the course & learning
  • Collecting of final feeds back 
  • Assessment of learning outcomes
  • Final evaluation of the course
  • Visit to the city and surrounding area to discover the art, traditions, history, nature

Target groups

teachers in childhood and school education.


The trainers involved have gained a strong experience in the Montessori Method and they are Montessori Foundation-accredited


Teacher’s slides and operative cards.

Other activities provided

  • The last day of the course includes evaluation of the course, awarding of Certificates of Participation (2 hrs) and farewell dinner in a typical Italian restaurant offered by Polaris.
  • The program provides also cultural activities as visits to the city and surrounding area to discover the art, traditions, history, nature, typical foods, wine and culinary products of the Abruzzo area.
  • Free support in reservation phase for the transfer from the airports to Vasto and in research of a comfortable and suitable accommodation is provided based on the participants needs and at Polaris’ sole and absolute discretion.


42 hrs (in class and practical training), 6 days from Monday to Saturday (excluded travel days).



Fee of course*

480 € per person

Working Language


*N.B.: the course dates and the duration could be arranged with participants groups of at least 8 people.