Polaris Formazione

Disability in evolutionary age: the importance of multidisciplinary in order to prevent the early dropout



The training course aims to provide a structured set of knowledge, skills and competences for a global approach to adolescents, especially those with disabilities. In the perspective of a fundamental collaboration and multidisciplinary integration of the professional figures involved in the therapeutic, didactic, and psycho-pedagogic fields. In order to prevent and avoid the early dropout.

Learning objectives

  • To know the characteristics of adolescent students
  • To develop skills and competences of teachers to design effective educational tools to meet the needs of students and to go towards educational inclusion in school
  • To spread basic knowledge about relationship with the psychic disabled students
  • To know the inclusive education and pedagogy
  • To know the techniques for optimistic management of the class
  • To know and to use cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies
  • To know and manage the Creative Teaching approach in the classroom
  • To implement the School-parents communication: motivation and self-esteem for pupils and teachers
  • To know Emotional management in personality development from childhood to adolescence
  • To offer a framework about ways of intervention and relationship strategies, especially focused on relationship and emotional listening
  • To know how to facilitate communication processes and develop emotional competence in adolescent and parents
  • To learn how to grow the school motivation and self-esteem in adolescent and parents
  • To learn the techniques of family counseling
  • To understand the Distance Learning and Distance Teaching
  • To understand the “cloud adolescent”
  • How to move from learning sensorial approach to the digital learning

Activities Programme

1st day

Welcome meeting: presentation of Polaris staff & experts; briefing of the activities

To know the characteristics of adolescent students

  • The development of identity in the adolescent.
  • The adolescent brain.
  • The emotional-affective sphere of the adolescent.

To develop skills and competences of teachers to design effective educational tools to meet the needs of students and to go towards educational inclusion in school

  • The adolescent in the school context
  • Techniques of learning-teaching
  • Workshop and role-plays

2nd day

To spread basic knowledge about relationship with the psychic disabled students

  • Developmental psychopathology
  • The global approach to children and adolescents with disabilities
  • Theories and applications

To know the inclusive education and pedagogy

To know the techniques for optimistic management of the class

  • Principles of inclusive pedagogy
  • The strategic collaboration with the teacher of support
  • Meeting with Director and teachers of secondary and/or high school; focus on techniques used in the teaching of disable students and on the use of techniques of family and social counselling

3rd day

To know and to use cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies

  • Learning Disorders and metacognitive paths
  • From cognitive deficit to giftedness: reflections on intellectual profiles
  • Strategies for teachers for reinforcement systems
  • The tools available for teachers to report people at risk

To know and manage the Creative Teaching approach in the classroom

To implement the School-parents communication: motivation and self-esteem for pupils and teachers

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders: from the complexity of the disorder to the specificity of the child
  • Socialization games with active mediation and listening techniques: for teachers and students
  • Analysis and discussion of practical cases
  • Workshops, role-plays & simulations

4th day

To know Emotional management in personality development from childhood to adolescence

  • Oppositional-provocative disorders and emotional regulation
  • Emotional disorders: anxiety and depression in developmental age
  • Methodological, didactical and emotional implications of inclusive pedagogy
  • Positive classroom climate: multi sensorial approach

To offer a framework about ways of intervention and relationship strategies, especially focused on

relationship and emotional listening

  • The importance of emotional listening
  • Analysis and discussion of cases
  • Socialization games with active mediation and listening techniques for teachers and pupils

To know how to facilitate communication processes and develop emotional competence in adolescent and parents

To learn how to grow the school motivation and self-esteem in adolescent and parents

To learn the techniques of family counseling

  • Active listening and sharing problems with students and parents
  • Techniques and strategies for reduction of the levels of conflict and stress and to increase team working, trade relations and sharing emotional experiences between students and parents
  • Tools to develop within the students the ability to think, recognize and to put into words the emotions underlying the painful experiences: multi sensory-approach

5th day

To understand the Distance Learning and Distance Teaching

To understand the “cloud adolescent”

  • New neuroscience research on the evolution of the brain and mind absorbent of the adolescent today
  • Distance learning and BES: the school in a screen
  • To learn by link
  • Using and understanding of software, free and on payment, for students and teachers
  • How we can develop now without software but only with a normal computer

How to move from learning sensorial approach to the digital learning

  • Interactive board: strengths and weaknesses; making a lesson with interactive board, creation a digital book and realization conceptual maps to study
  • Workshop about the differences between the students of yesterday and the students of today

6th day

  • Visit the “Gulliver Center” leader provider in technological tools for the schools
  • Meeting with the staff
    • focus on the use of ICT in Education and Training
    • from the 2.0 to the 3.0 classroom 
  • Visit in the “Gulliver Center” leader provider in technological tools for the schools
  • Case studies & simulations
  • Resume of the course & learning
  • Collecting of final feeds back 
  • Assessment of learning outcomes
  • Final evaluation of the course
  • Visit to the city and surrounding area to discover the art, traditions, history, nature

Target groups

teachers in childhood and school education.


Luigi Gileno. Psychologist and psychotherapist specialising in the developmental age. Head of clinical area in Centre for diagnosis and therapy “Madonna dell’Asilo”. Founder and member of the national board of CICAF – Italian Centre for Counselling and Advanced Training. Collaborator of the IdO Institute of Orthophonology in Rome. Consultant for educational institutions.  Author and co-author of several articles, specialist texts and scientific papers.


Teacher’s slides and operative cards.

Other activities provided

  • The last day of the course includes evaluation of the course, awarding of Certificates of Participation (2 hrs) and farewell dinner in a typical Italian restaurant offered by Polaris.
  • The program provides also cultural activities as visits to the city and surrounding area to discover the art, traditions, history, nature, typical foods, wine and culinary products of the Abruzzo area.
  • Free support in reservation phase for the transfer from the airports to Vasto and in research of a comfortable and suitable accommodation is provided based on the participants needs and at Polaris’ sole and absolute discretion.


42 hrs (in class and practical training), 6 days from Monday to Saturday (excluded travel days).



Fee of course*

480 € per person

Working Language


*N.B.: the course dates and the duration could be arranged with participants groups of at least 8 people.